Peltier Cooled Canon 450D (XSi)

Astro-Tech 127mm Triplet

& 20" GOTO Starmaster

Cherry Springs Dark Sky Park - Black Forest Star Party - September 4 & 10, 2010

by Gary Honis


Images were taken with a Peltier Cooled Modified Canon 450D (XSi). Overnight ambient temperatures during imaging ranged between 45 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature of the peltier cooled camera was about 18 degrees Fahrenheit allowing for reduced noise long exposure imaging with the DSLR.

Telescope used for imaging was an Astro Tech 127mm ED APO Triplet refractor at prime. The Astro Tech 127 and ED80 refractor guide scope were mounted on an Orion Atlas EQ-G mount. The EQMOD ASCOM driver was used to drive the mount directly via an EQDIR interface module.

Equipment used:

DSLR Modification Service: I am selling and converting Canon 450D, 500D, 550D and 1000D DSLR cameras for astro imaging. CLICK HERE for details.

M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy - 9/10/10 - Full Frame:

40 six-minute exposures at ISO 1600 were combined using DeepSkyStacker and reduced in size for display (1400X932). Steve Gottlieb has an observing guide for the NGC, IC, Humhrey/Sandage "A" objects and extraglactic globular C39 in M33. The objects are labeled in my image below using a mouseover.


The following image is a "mouseover image". You will need to have scripting allowing in your web browser for this to work. Move your mouse cursor over the image and you will see the labels. Move the mouse cursor off the image to remove the labels:

Move cursor on and off image:


On the weekend before the star party, as we were settng up our telescopes, some drizzle was followed by a rainbow, insuring clear skies for the night ahead:


Jupiter - 09/04/10:

Two minute AVI file was captured using a Canon 550D (T2i) in "Movie Crop Mode". This was my first time using the movie crop mode which captures a 640 X 480 pixel area at the center of the imaging sensor. The .MOV file was converted to an .AVI file using the software "Super" and Registax 5 was used to stack the frames. 2X barlow was used on 20" GOTO Starmaster with the wireless Honis Ground Control System:


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